
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." - West African Proverb


FCS Kali San Diego - Established September 25th, 2011

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Play Day Tuesday


At the Playground

Finally, I got to get in some practice out doors while out with my son Osairis. I let him run around first just enough to where he wanted to chill, but not leave. So I strapped him in his stroller, gave him some veggie sticks to snack on, and went into the middle of the field so I can have some room to practice without worrying about hitting one of the kids who were at their soccer practice.

Warm it up

I warmed up with some stick swinging, a little Sinawali, and Doble Redondo, then went into 1-36 of 64 Stick Form. After that I practiced Sumbrada again making sure I have the footwork down from last night. I did that for a few minutes. It even attracted two little girls who came over and asked what I was doing. It’s always interesting trying to explain to kids something that they’ve never seen.

What are you doing?

“Kali.” I said. “What’s that? the girls asked. So I said “It’s Filipino Martial Arts.” “Oh cool. You must practice a lot.” one of the girls said. They asked if my sticks were bamboo, in which I explained, “No its rattan. It looks like bamboo, but its a different type of wood.” I showed them my sticks and they asked if they could play with one. I let them play with it and they were trying to copy my movements. I was also wearing my FCS Kali shirt. FCS represent! lol. So anyway, they went off to play and I continued.

Back to practice

After doing Sumbrada I practiced some foot work. Starting off with female, male, closed female, closed male, diamond, and then side stepping all while holding a stick and doing defenses and offenses. I finished sticks with a little Carenza and moved onto blades. I took out two of my Cold Steel rubber trainers and got started with some air knife tapping. A couple of folks even walked by to see what I was doing, which is when I changed it up to some air hubad with knives, practicing when to get in my cuts. FCS represent! Haha.

FCS Kali West Coast San Diego Represent

Finally, I finished off with 1-5 of 12 Mano Mano Template since I’m still learning Level II stuff. After doing that a few times Osairis finally started to get whiny so we packed up and headed home. It was a good practice. Nice to get outside and see that people are interested in Kali. I think I’ll start wearing my FCS gear every time I go outside to practice now. Who knows it might interest someone in checking out our club and coming to train with us on Sundays.

Aight folks tomorrow is Hump Day! Get out and practice! ItsYoBoyFlex and I’m out.

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