
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." - West African Proverb


FCS Kali San Diego - Established September 25th, 2011

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sundays At The Park - Reflexes

Today Ed brought up the high school stabbing that happened recently in Pennsylvania. He discussed how one person was able to stab and cut so many before being stopped. How so many were amazed that one person would be capable of doing that. He went on to talk about how little to none of the people who were injured probably did not have the proper training to defend against a knife and how that lack of knowledge more than likely helped assist in their injuries because they didn't train the proper reflexes and responses to those types of attacks. Bernie helped elaborate on that by explaining how most people react and respond when they do get cut, not knowing they will versus how people react and respond when assuming that they already will get cut. And this brought us full circle as to why we do what we do.
So today Ed wanted to concentrate on training the reflexes because had those people had the proper training, maybe they could have moved in a way to pass the initial attack, or at least lessen the damage, and then increase the distance by running away. Even better if someone had the proper training to have possibly stopped him sooner. So our warm up started out with foot work.

He explained how we always start with foot work because even if none of the hands are used during an attack, the foot work can set us up in the right angles to move us toward a safer zone be it advancing or retreating. First we went over our basic foot work, and then applied it with some reflex drills.

We then moved on to training defenses for 1-7 of 64 Stick Form. Ed demonstrated how the foot work leads the defenses because without the hands the foot work alone sets us up for passes. He then showed us a technique that would use the opponents energy against them instead of trying to stop the movements. This would allow us to use less energy as well. While going over the drill he emphasized how the drill is more about training the reflexes than the technique itself because there are a lot of different types of techniques that can be used for each strike.

Next we went into reflexive training off the 4 Count into Punyo Entry. To simplify it we just went in on number 3, but the feeder would go in at any given moment and can even do fakes before moving in. This was a lot of fun, on the fly,  and felt more realistic. I mean how often would you see someone complete a 4 Count in real fight right? Usually something would happen within the first 1-3 strikes. Though I do remember Manong Rich showing us a video where the the 4 Count did complete. It happened really fast though. You almost had to just listen to the hit of the bastons to catch it.

After going over several types of reflexive drills we went back into curriculum and practiced our Punyo Entries. I'm glad we did because I need more practice with this. It's only 4 total that I need to know so I really don't have any excuse to get these down sooner. Two on the right and two on the left. Ed helped point out the mistakes I was making which were making it harder for me get down the moves. I was wondering why the first left entry always felt weird to me even though I got the rhythm down. It was as simple as taking a step in to help close the distance.

Anyway, after going over Punyo Entries Bernie had us go into Hubad. He also explained how the foot work leads in this drill as well. He then made it reflexive training by gradually adding in variations and change ups. So now the drill wasn't stagnant, but free flowing and on the fly.


Then we went into Mano Mano template and from there into Knife Template. And just like last week he had us mix it all up again and end it with a disarm so that the drill would continue with your partner changing roles. This became very reflexive. Not just from having to react and respond to the feeder, but as the feeder continuing on to the next move like say pulling out a knife. What I liked about this was that at any moment we could change roles so if my partner pulled out a knife to do Knife Template, I could go right away for a disarm or just continue with the drill. My partner and I kept on fighting to control the situation and things started to get really sloppy, but I liked that. It showed me how something like that would really look and feel like where both are fighting for control.


Bernie ended our training by showing us this cool template using one or two bolos. It could be with one or multiple partners. I've seen videos of Tuhon Ray doing this. I could see this being used in film easily. Not only did it look cool, but it did show how you could defend against multiple opponents who are on opposite sides of you. It also went along with our reflexive training.

Well today's practice was a lot of fun. Next week we won't be having our group practice due to Easter Sunday. Well that's all for today. Happy training everyone. ItsYoBoyFlex and I'm out.

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