
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." - West African Proverb


FCS Kali San Diego - Established September 25th, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

FCS Kali Club of San Diego - 1st Group Practice

Today marks the first group practice of FCS Kali Club of San Diego.  Albeit only 5 of us turned out today, this is our club's humble beginnings with more participants to follow soon enough.  We hope to end the year with a core group of 10 as we move forward, so anyone in the San Diego that is interested, come check us out!

Under a cool overcast San Diego morning, it was great to be outdoors practicing the skills.  With the tribal rhythms of Carenza music in the background it was another great workout, I find as I get more time in, the muscle memory is taking over as a natural instinct as I find the flow.  In 2 hours we reviewed and practiced the Level 1 Curriculum as dictated by FCS Kali Founder Tuhon Ray Dionaldo as follows: 

LEVEL 1 (minimum 3 month FCS membership required for test)
Solo Baston:
 Solo Baston formal salute meaning & application
 12 count of the 64 stick form
 4 count right/ left & changes
Range Awareness
 Largo 
 Medio
 Corto
 Corto Corto
 Open Male Triangle
 Open Female Triangle
 Closed Male Triangle
 Close Female Triangle 
 Full Diamond 
 Side stepping 
 Replacement Stepping
 Take Off
Basic Striking:
 Labtik 
 Witik 
 Redondo
 Abaniko 
 Punyo
 Umbrellas and the individual block names
 4 walls and the individual block names
 Snake inside #1 
 Snake outside #2
 Vine largo #1 
 Vine largo #2 
 Vine corto #1 
 Vine corto #2
Hand Switches: (with application)
 Shoulder Switch
 Application
 Labtik/Chamber & Switch
 Application
Carenza using basic strikes and hand switches

For those interested in the group practice sessions, visit this blog to find postings of when we plan or schedule the group practice sessions.   If you have any further questions, you can find the FCS Kali West Coast Fan Page in Facebook and contact, Bernie or me.

Maraming Salamat,

Erwin G
"Live Now!" - L.D. Stoney Stone


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