
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." - West African Proverb


FCS Kali San Diego - Established September 25th, 2011

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Top Ten Traits of Great Martial Artist

This is from Bob Dorris, Smart Athletics (Grappling Dummy); just something to think about.

1. Take notes every time you train, & write down whatever you learn OR ideas you come up with.
2. Always show up for training ...even when you physically can't train.
3. When you have a question about fighting, find a good answer for it before you train again.
4. Always be the most focused person in the training session.
5. Study (not just “practice”) fighting in between training sessions.
6. Practice outside of class far more than you practice in class (otherwise, you CAN'T possibly expect to be any better than anyone else in class).
7. Recognize that training partners will come and go, but insist that you stay constant.
8. Develop (or learn) a philosophy relating martial arts to life.
9. Call yourself a martial artist (don't just “do” martial arts).
10.Insist that you become the most skilled (martial arts-wise)person you know.

If you don't see those traits in yourself, tape that list up on your mirror and start becoming that person. Practice, Practice, Practice

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